Kick off your Reflections 2024-25 program here:
- Ohio PTA Reflections Local Leader’s Guide
- Ohio PTA Reflections Official Rules & Forms
- Ohio PTA Reflections Category Guidelines One-Sheet (Color)
- Ohio PTA Reflections Category Guidelines One-Sheet (Black & White)
- Ohio PTA Reflections Student Packet (Category Rules and Student Entry Form)
- Ohio PTA Reflections Student Submission Entry Form
- Ohio PTA Reflections Theme Search 2025-26
Congratulations to our 2023-24 National PTA
Reflections Award Winners!!!!!
Congratulations to our Ohio PTA
2023-24 Reflections Winners!!
Reflections Winners
Participation is Easy, Exciting, and Empowering
Students must participate in the National PTA Program through a local PTA/PTSA in good standing. All student entries must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Each entry must be the original work of one student only
- A student may create their entry inside or outside of school
- A student may submit entries is more than one category
- Each entry must be accompanied by a competed and signed Student Entry Form
- Student entries must include a title and artist statement that communicates their inspiration for the work and how it relates to this year’s theme “I Matter Because…”
The Reflections categories include:
- Dance Choreography
- Literature
- Photography
- Film Production
- Music Composition
- Visual Arts

The grade divisions include:
- Primary (PreK – Grade 2)
- Intermediate (Grades 3 – 5)
- Middle School (Grades 6-8)
- High School (Grades 9 – 12)
All Reflection entries are submitted first to local PTAs/PTSAs where they are recognized and judged in their grade level divisions. The Special Artist division celebrates all student artists with special needs. PTAs then choose a selection of entries to be judged by local PTA units, which may then be sent on to councils or districts for consideration. The final Reflection entries submitted to Ohio PTA are then judged at the state level and are considered for Award of Excellence (1st), Award of Outstanding Achievement (2nd) and Award of Merit. (3rd). Award of Excellence (1st) entries are then sent on to National PTA to represent Ohio PTA in the final National PTA judging round.
State-level Award of Excellence (1st) honorees receive
- Invitation to the Ohio PTA Reflections Celebration Luncheon
- The opportunity to showcase their artwork at Ohio State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
- Recognition at the Reflections Celebration Luncheon
State-level Award of Outstanding Achievement (2nd) honorees receive:
- Invitation to the Ohio PTA Reflections Celebration Luncheon
- The opportunity to showcase their artwork at Ohio State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
- Recognition at the Reflections Celebration Luncheon
State-level Award of Merit (3rd) honorees receive:
- Invitation to the Ohio PTA Reflections Celebration Luncheon
- The opportunity to showcase their artwork at Ohio State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
- Recognition at the Reflections Celebration Luncheon
Interested in learning more about the arts in education?
Ohio Alliance for Arts Education (OAAE), provides a weekly Arts Online Education Update.