Ohio PTA Region 1 Fall Conference
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Olmsted Falls Middle School
27045 Bagley Road
Olmstead Falls OH, 44138
(School closest to Bagley, enter main doors)

Sunny Days & Bright Ideas
8:00 am – 8:15 am
8:15 am – 8:30 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:30 am – 9:15 am
Workshop Session 1
9:30 am – 10:15 am
Workshop Session 2
10:30 am – 11:15 am
Workshop Session 3
11:15 am – 11:45 am
Roundtable Q&A with Ohio PTA Board Members
11:45 am – Noon
Closing and Raffle
Workshop Session 1 -- 8:30 am - 9:15 am
Treasurer Basics: Mastering the Fundamentals (Room 231)
Presented by Dana Paul, Ohio PTA Interim Secretary/Treasurer
This workshop will give you the resources you need and step by step guidance with your duties and responsibilities of a Treasurer. An overview of PTA policies and procedures, organizing and managing financial records.
1st Step Gold Key
Uncover What AI Is And How It Can Be A Resource For Your PTA! (Room 238)
Presented by Char Shryock, Educating Leadership Consulting LLC and
Tony Rett, Ohio PTA Vice President of Field Service
Learn what Artificial Intelligence is an how it can be a valuable resource for communication and engagement with parents and school staff. How you can use AI to assist in scheduling events and sending reminders to parents and how it can enhance your engagement with your school community.
1st Step Gold Key, 2nd Step Gold Key
Presidents’ Tips & Tricks (Room 244)
Presented by Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President
Learn how to be an effective leader while leading with enthusiasm, creativity and a sense of fun. How to manage your meetings and help to coordinate and support your team of volunteers.
1st Step Gold Key, 2nd Step Gold Key
Workshop Session 2 -- 9:30 am - 10:15 am
Discover Fun and Easy Ways To Use Givebacks to Streamline Your Tasks (Room 238)
Presented by Tony Rett, Vice President Field Service and Janice Wanko, Ohio PTA Region Advisor
Learn how to use Givebacks from adding officers, entering members, remitting dues and communicating with your members. Explore new ways to use givebacks for fundraising and school communication and activities.
1st Step Gold Key, 2nd Step Gold Key
Unleash Your Creativity And Run An Amazing Reflections Program (Room 231)
Presented by Gerri Beres, Vice President Leadership, Reflections and Lauren Suter, Ohio PTA Board Member
Reflections is a National PTA Program that celebrates the unique talents of students across the country. Learn how to chamption your Reflections Program to Principals, teachers, parents and students at your school. Discussion of resources and best practices of creating your program where imagination takes center stage!
1st Step Gold Key, 2nd Step Gold Key
Learn About School of Excellence And Unlock The Secret To Earning Grants (Room 244)
Presented by Nicole Lesnick, Ohio PTA President-Elect
Learn how to apply and run a successful School of Excellence Program at your school. National PTA has many grants available that can be yours if you apply. Learn how to take advantage of these opportunities to boost your PTA and school’s greatness!
1st Step Gold Key
Workshop Session 3 -- 10:30 am - 11:15 am
PTA Membership Is A Team Sport – Everyone Is Invited To Join The Fun! (Room 244)
Presented by Janice Wanko, Ohio PTA Region Advisor and Chrissy Ferrone-Petit, Olmsted Falls
One of the most exciting parts of running your PTA is growing our membership because the more we grow, the more amazing things we can do for our kids! Learn some ways to grow your membership and include grandparents, and the community. Hear from one of our own Districts who have excelled in membership and take away some ideas to grow your membership.
1st Step Gold Key, 2nd Step Gold Key
Conflict Management – How To Keep Your Cool And Resolve Conflicts (Room 238)
Presented by Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President and Gerri Beres, Ohio PTA Vice President Leadership
This workshop will include insights into why conflicts happen and how to effectively deal with any that arise. Create a positive culture and collaboration to create a supportive PTA. Learn the skills and tools needed to handle conflicts and focus on your PTA goals.
3rd Step Gold Key
Dive Into More Treasurer Topics (Room 231)
Presented by Dana Paul, Ohio PTA Interim Secretary/Treasurer
Presenter – Dana Paul, Ohio PTA Interim Treasurer/Secretary
A further look into Treasurer topics including tasks, strategies and best practices for financial management that will aid you in being a successful Treasurer for your PTA.
2nd Step Gold Key
Ohio PTA President 2023-25
Angela Revay
Welcome to the 117th Ohio PTA Convention! Our Theme this year is Flip the Script Red Carpet Extravaganza! Thank you for choosing to spend your weekend with PTA as we walk the red carpet and celebrate each of the PTA superstars here this weekend as well as superstars across the state! This weekend will be filled with learning, fun and new friendships. We will help each of you to get ready for the next term as well and we will amp up your advocacy game!
Be sure to check the convention program for Gold Key workshops and opportunities. We are excited to have presentations during our General Sessions as well to maximize the learning potential this year. Many changes are coming in the state of Ohio to the Ohio Department of Education and with legislation that will affect our students, families, and communities. Now, more than ever is your time to shine as leaders and advocates! Be sure to take back all that you have learned to others in your units and councils. We hope you will be joining us for Reflections Lunch, where our talented student artists will be showcased. Awards Dinner is for our individual leaders, units and councils to be showcased. Now sit back, relax and watch the curtain go up for the start of the show!
For questions, email Marcella McCurdy at office@ohiopta.org or contact the Ohio PTA office at 614.781.6344.
Proposed Ohio PTA Bylaw Amendments
Article 1 – Name
Insert after of Ohio “and a branch of National Congress of Parents and Teachers (National PTA).”
To read: The name of the association is the Ohio Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc. It is also commonly known and will be referred to in these bylaws as the Ohio PTA. The Ohio PTA is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Ohio and a branch of National Congress of Parents and Teachers (National PTA).
Article IV: Constituent Association, Section 10
Insert after Local PTAs/PTSAs “or Councils”
To read: Locals PTAs/PTSAs or Councils not in good standing by:
Article VII: Nominations and Elections, Section 2(b)
Strike “6” and replace with “4”
To Read: To consider the qualifications of all candidates proposed by Ohio PTA members or by members of the Nominating Committee submitted no later than 4 months prior to convention in an election year;
Article VII: Nominations and Elections, Section 2(c)
Strike “four” and replace with “3”
To Read: To submit one name for each office to be filled during the election held at the convention in the odd numbered years and announced to the Board of Directors 3 months prior to the annual convention; and
Article VII: Nominations and Elections, Section 4(c)
Strike “2 years as a member of the Board of Directors prior to taking office, except the President-elect who shall have served at least 4 years” and replace with “1 term as a member of the Board of Directors prior to taking office, except the President-elect who shall have served at least 2 years”
To Read: Each candidate to be an officer shall have fulfilled at least 1 term as a member of the Board of Directors prior to taking office, except the President-elect who shall have served at least 2 years on the Board of Directors prior to taking office.
Article XII: Directors and Region Advisors, Section 3
Insert a new c. and reletter: “Serve on the Field Service Committee as described in Article XIV, Section 4(h); and”
To read: Section 3. The Region Advisors shall:
a. Lead the work within their regions;
b. Promote the purposes and goals of the Ohio PTA;
c. Serve on the Field Services Committee as described in Article XIV, Section 4(h);
d. Perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, standing rules, job descriptions and the parliamentary authority by the Ohio PTA.